
Breaking the Cycle of Bullying: The Stealth Initiative’s Revolutionary Approach

Bullying is not just a problem; it’s an epidemic. Imagine walking into school daily, knowing that one in five students will be bullied. That’s exactly what’s happening in America’s public schools, with 20% of students ages 12-18 reporting being bullied, according to the National Center for Educational Statistics.

But what do we do about it? Suspending or expelling bullies may seem like an easy solution, but it’s not that simple. Research shows that suspension or expulsion can make the problem worse. Suspended students are more likely to repeat a grade, drop out of school, or even end up in jail.

Enter the Stealth Initiative, founded by legal advocate and mother of a child with cerebral palsy, Sophia Cousins. Sophia has dedicated the past 17 years of her life to creating a better future for her child and every other child struggling in our current educational system. The Stealth Initiative revolutionizes the way we address bullying by implementing restorative measures. The program pairs a bully with a special education student in sessions that foster empathy, social and emotional growth. These exercises help the bullies understand the impact of their actions and encourage them to take responsibility for their behavior and make amends.

But it doesn’t stop there. The Stealth Initiative also involves the parents of the bullies in the exercises, as we firmly believe that the home plays a pivotal role in a child’s emotional growth. By identifying the love languages of the bullies and having their parents identify their love languages, we can better understand the root causes of bullying and address them at a micro and macro level.

The Stealth Initiative Pilot is a 6-week program that offers two sessions per week, totaling 12 sessions. Schools in the following regions are invited to participate at a reduced cost:

  • In New York, the Department of Education reported that in the 2019-2020 school year, there were 1,566 reported incidents of bullying and harassment.
  • In New Jersey, the Department of Education reported that in the 2019-2020 school year, there were 1,200 reported incidents of bullying and harassment.
  • In Connecticut, the Department of Education reported that in the 2019-2020 school year, there were 810 reported incidents of bullying and harassment.
  • In Maryland, the Department of Education reported that in the 2019-2020 school year, there were 1,400 reported incidents of bullying and harassment.
  • In Southern California, there were no specific statistics for the region, but it’s a known fact that bullying is prevalent in the area.
  • In South Florida, the Department of Education reported that in the 2019-2020 school year, there were 1,300 reported incidents of bullying and harassment.

Sophia’s story and mission to change how our educational system treats children with special needs are truly inspiring. She is available for speaking engagements to share her story and mission to change how our educational system treats children with special needs. Let’s work together to end this epidemic and create a safer and more inclusive environment for all students.